Short Conversations

(30 minutes)

Schedule a call with me on this link if you want to talk about syndications, want to network, are curious about one of my businesses, conversation about potential podcast or collaboration idea, or have general questions that I can help with, and have other quick questions.

** If you are a client, this is NOT the option for you.

FREE Coaching Strategy Session

(90 minutes)

Schedule a Coaching Strategy Session with me on this link. A Strategy Session is a zoom or phone call where you share your major goals, your challenges, what you're striving for, what is getting in the way. During the call, I will provide value to your life in some way so that you leave the call better than you came. We'll also talk about ongoing Coaching if we both believe that is the best next step.

** If you are NOT interested in Coaching at all, this is NOT the option for you.

Coaching Session for Clients

(60 minutes)

Schedule your next Coaching Session with me on this link. This Coaching Session is one that you've already paid for and is part of your ongoing work.

** If you are NOT already a paid Coaching Client, this is NOT the option for you.

Coaching Mastery Community

(30 minutes)

Schedule a call with me on this link if you are a COACH and want to know more about CMC, the value to you as a Coach, and any other CMC-related topics.

** If you are NOT a coach, this is NOT the option for you.

Office: WY

Call 307-772-1185


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